Sunday, April 7, 2013

The molting cynic.

I believe I was always destined to be a cynic. I mean look around me. Look around you. What do you see? I see the slipshod slap dash abomination of a governance surrounding us from Kashmir to Kanyakumari masquerading as a democracy. I see greed win the war of the wolves and emerge the stronger hungrier one. I see avarice rule the stars at night while darkness guides our hearts in the day. So of course who would not want to be a cynic in times like these. Being a cynic means you dont have to worry, because as bad as things are right now they could still get worst. being a cynic means you can dismiss any hope for a solution as the flailing of a drowning form. And be damned proud of the fact that you saw it coming.

Being a cynic means you are free to the charms of this world. The false idols of hope and dreams cannot touch you. As a cynic you command the mighty powers of sarcasm and true wit. And if you use them with the razor preciseness befitting your aggresive demeanor then lo and behold it is only a matter of time before you become a Samur-asshole.

Im sorry did you think I was calling you a Samurai?

The biggest cynics in this world are the biggest losers. They are the inertia to your moving wheel. The block that smugly blocks the way all the while being too proud and too oblivious to realize that it is indeed itself that is blocking the damned way. Most cynics will attest that the cynical outlook on life allows them an out of the box view of the solutions. but that is a lie. No cynic is looking for a solution. For the solution is right there innit? After all they are a part of the problem. Being as true to the world around them as true they are to themselves.

The biggest cynical assholes of the world are closet optimists begging the entire world around them to rescue their cynical ass from this quicksand of darkly despair that permeates every fiber of their being. With rants and raves they send out their shrieking calls for help, yelling at you and the world around. The world itself takes up their call. Clamoring in the hundreds as they huddle together for warmth and hope. Till you hear it on the winds, till you can catch a hint of the call slipping down  that drink you ordered. Till you can hear their muted whispers secreting away at your soul in every soulless stare you get. Until the birds and the bees and the trees and the leaves are altogether screaming for a savior.

Are you that savior?

Well gee neither am I. Its alright no need to get upset, Im sure their savior will come to them one day. On a white horse gleaming in the sunlight/starlight? with wings on her back and epic boobs. Clad in shiny armor and all. And until that day the thought of a savior will keep them alive, keep them sane. Acting as the source of hope, fueling the engines of dreaming and possibility. Keeping the optimism alive within. For the greatest trick any cynic ever did was convincing themselves of the hopelessness of the situation. Not realizing that the savior they are looking for was staring them in the mirror. They pound away at the fabric of their own reality howling at the unfairness of it all. Putting on a shroud of despair they wail. And in their desperation  they pull off the greatest trick ever, convincing themselves they have hit rock bottom.

Hit the point of no return. Crossed the line of no control, gone to the other side...etc etc. You get the picture.

Well unfortunately as is the case with most things cynical even this is a false wisdom. There is no rock bottom. No basement level. If you wanna fall, you can fall for an eternity and still not hit rock bottom. You will fall, and you will sink lower and lower and until you will be barely recognizable as a human being inside. But you wont stop ever stop falling because there is no natural end to this progression. You started this progression with your mind. And only you can end it. You can rise up whenever you want. Could soar back up there and do what you wanted to all along. But you dont really want to rise up. Hell that would mean doing something. Hell that would mean creating something. That would mean looking back at all those people you dismissed as sheep stuck in the cogs of destiny, and knowing you were wrong. That would mean actually having to care for the world around you for a change. And no self respecting cynic would ever want to care. It would break them apart.

'Cause after all being a cynic is so much better, with nothing better to do. Except to just wallow around all day, and chill here with you.


Hoonar Janu said...

Let me put in a word for the cynic. He deserves a fair defense. Let us for a moment assume that we are passive observers who can in no way touch or affect the world - like a pair of floating eyes. Lets also assume we are completely free of any biases or prejudices at this moment. Now, we want to analyse human society and understand some of the general principles behind it. So, we take a sweeping view of human history, up to and including the present. What will the eyes see? The same as what the passive cycnic has. Humanity today is no better off than it was ever before (we can say that's another assumption, but I believe it to be a fact). It faces the same sorrows, struggles and blindness. Some clairvoyant people have been born in every generation, who could sense the falsity of the idea of the individual and feel humanity as a single mass, a single consciousness. And all 'wise' things flowed from such a sense. And they are wise because they take evolution to the next level. They know that the survival and propagation of the human race depends on these 'wise' ideas. In every generation, a few such people have tried to show this point of view to the masses. But, humanity is still where it always was - at that primitive stage of evolution whose aim is supremacy through power. So, what did these men of extraordinary intellect achieve? Some systems of philosophies, either transformed into bullshit stories, or discussed in abstraction in academic ivory towers. Practically - nothing. Why? Might be because there is a higher hand - a set of laws beyond our influence - guiding humanity towards it destiny. And might be it is presumptuous to believe that individuals can chart the human course.

Azsharael said...

I can only answer this thus. We cannot assume even for a moment that we are passive observers. Remember what happens at the Quantum level Hoonar? How an observer changes the environment around him. Simply by existing? Well what if our scale is but a quantum level for a larger game afoot.

So if we have been introduced with the power of change and influence then we can no longer take the comfort of observers. Because then it stands to reason...that things are they way they are because the majority of us simply choose to observe. And only observe. Waiting for the change to happen.

Hoonar Janu said...

I want to believe you Andy, I really want to. Because I want to believe that I am not insignificant, that what I do here has some effect, changes something. And I want to believe that even if I am insignificant, it might be possible that millions like me team up, we could bring a significant change. But if the laws of statistics are something to go by, and assuming nothing has ever really changed over the last 3k years of civilisation, then the probability that a revolution like that will happen is zero. But, to share a funny thing - having argued this over and over in my head for years, I am still at square one because theres that voice that says there is no grander purpose to life anyway, so lets fight for a cause - even if it is hopelessly lost.