The next year is going to be big. Not in terms of big budget blockbusters bouncing out from Bollywood. Not big in terms of how much the Rupee climbs or falls, or big in terms of how many new scams see the light of day. It will be big, because it will decide a lot about where we are headed. 2014 is election year. And gearing up for election year already you can hear Congress go on and on on the radio about how much they have improved your standard of living(and mine) in this last term. Im sure all of you have heard one of these ads at some point or the other, it inevitably triggers a landslide conversation about the state of the nation. About how royally the Congress has fucked up and how bad things are today. Everyone solemnly agrees on Congress's incompetence. The fact that Congress has to go is almost a universal sentiment. I discount from this sentiment the Congress's army of fanatical loyalists of course, who probably go to bed with a photo of Sonia ji between the sheets(citation needed). But to the rest of us, at least now a clear picture is emerging that our Netas are not who they claim to be.
Unfortunately that is precisely where things start to get murky. To elaborate how things have been for the past few months in our internet minds, I will take an analogy and run with it. Consider a group if you will of five people (for simplicity's sake) sitting together and discussing the state of the nation. The first elaborates the state of the nation and all five unanimously agree that Congress has to go. Suddenly one of them gets up and starts shouting out about how the only person who can save this country is the great and illustrious savior of the Hindu race, Sodium Molybdenum... or NaMo as he is popularly known. He goes to great lengths to describe a golden age of India that existed once long ago. A time of Ram Rajya, when corruption was something unimaginable and each man lived and died by the noble principals of Hindutva. He secretly hopes that age will one day return, and the mighty NaMo will become the Rama of this Dark Age. He hastily clarifies that even if you do not believe in Hinduism life will be better for you. Because there will be pious living and spiritual enlightenment for all to be had.
The others mumble among themselves and wonder if the poor chap lost a marble or two, but none question his sanity in front of him. Because if someone is seriously trying to recreate a mythical ideal that even if existed, did so in a time beyond reckoning. You dont jeopardize your own safety by openly questioning their sanity. The third guy comes out and says, that hey...this NaMo guy might have some good press but the fact remains that he was involved directly/indirectly in the massacre of hundreds. A massacre based on the mirage of religion, but actually set in the principals of caste and creed. The others agree and whisper about this among each other, setting off the NaMo fan. Who insists that you cannot blame someone for something just because it occurred during his tenure as chief minister(you totally can). He points out to countless speeches given by NaMo in which his eloquence and sharp mind come to the fore. The rest again mumble among each other and agree on the face of things. But each decides in his heart that if that's the way it is, then he might as well vote for his own community leader and be done with it. The fourth speaks out that we now have a third option, the Aam Admi Party or AAP. Which talks of Swaraj and empowerment of the people. But the NaMo fan will argue with bluster and in the noise the talk of AAP will be dismissed, the others two take scant notice of AAP simply because it is a new player in the game and thus lacks experience. The fifth meanwhile decides, fuck all this noise. He wont vote. Besides he has better things to do then stand in line only to choose between a thief and a fascist.
The five disperse, the only common ground found between them is that Congress has to go. They are united on the surface but every bit as divided as they have always been underneath. This is the state of the internet, that part of our country that stakes its claim on the important things. Things like education, willpower, spending money, regular food on the table. This is the state of our enlightened elite(bottom rung, but close enough). And the hard reality is, we the enlightened elite are not the ones who will be swinging this election. As always the election lies in the hand of the second India that bubbles underneath the bootheels of our Seth Jis, Netas and Maliks. Beneath us, yearning to be free...truly free, burns the the spirit of this nation. They are the ones who will decide the election. The hungry, poor, struggling millions for whom getting a voter card is a matter of identity and necessity. Who have no choice but to vote. And they are the easiest led astray. While we panic and debate on the downhill slide of the Rupee a Neta will come from Congress/BJP and offer them the usual. Cases of liquor for distribution to the local leader and boxes of cash. Free booze and cash to spare will be paraded about and the local leaders will give out the order to vote depending on who ponied up the most goodies.
Congress or BJP, both follow the same beaten path. Both follow the same systems put in place. While we argue among ourselves over who is right and who is wrong. Over where morals end and action begins, our glorious Netas will slyly slide back into power. And for five more years we will disintegrate bit by bit as we are taken apart from within. Chipped down by the ones we let into power again. But it does not have to be that way. There is still time, what little power you give to yourself is a power that can change this Nation. AAP the third option is the only viable option. Even if you know nothing of their policies and realize they are inexperienced they are still the only clear choice. Simply by virtue of providing us a third choice between the devil and the deep sea. So fight for your rights. Go talk around, use those valued communication skills that got you a raise last season. Talk to the Rickshaw Pullers, Auto wallahs, Chat Papdi walas, Phuchka wallas, Your Kaam Wali, your Dhobi, your Taxi driver. Talk to people from all walks of life. Ask them what they think of the state of the nation, ask them what they think of the Congress, of the BJP. And then ask them who will they vote for? Convince them if you can to vote for AAP. Convince them if you can to vote for change.
And swear a simple oath today, to get yourself registered as a voter. Yes, you the one who can afford to sit back in his home and read this in luxury. Become an active force for change in this land. Vote and tell your friends to vote and spread the vibe already. Voting is not just your right it is your goddamned duty. It is our duty as educated citizens of India. And if we do not exercise it, we lose our one chance at positive change. Consider the chance that AAP comes into power even if in Delhi and NCR or the Metros only. Consider the immense possibilities for change, a change for better. And now consider the alternative. Rahul Gandhi with his smug default program speech lording over a pile of money, or NaMo with his clever jibes executing a final solution to the Muslim menace. We stand now at the brink of another tryst with Destiny. A unique chance to choose a new era. A chance at true self governance and the chance at empowerment of the right people.The past is gone by and the present we waste in arguments but our future, is still in our own hands.
And if we want to it be, it can be as bright as the Sun.
Or as dark as the night.
Unfortunately that is precisely where things start to get murky. To elaborate how things have been for the past few months in our internet minds, I will take an analogy and run with it. Consider a group if you will of five people (for simplicity's sake) sitting together and discussing the state of the nation. The first elaborates the state of the nation and all five unanimously agree that Congress has to go. Suddenly one of them gets up and starts shouting out about how the only person who can save this country is the great and illustrious savior of the Hindu race, Sodium Molybdenum... or NaMo as he is popularly known. He goes to great lengths to describe a golden age of India that existed once long ago. A time of Ram Rajya, when corruption was something unimaginable and each man lived and died by the noble principals of Hindutva. He secretly hopes that age will one day return, and the mighty NaMo will become the Rama of this Dark Age. He hastily clarifies that even if you do not believe in Hinduism life will be better for you. Because there will be pious living and spiritual enlightenment for all to be had.
The others mumble among themselves and wonder if the poor chap lost a marble or two, but none question his sanity in front of him. Because if someone is seriously trying to recreate a mythical ideal that even if existed, did so in a time beyond reckoning. You dont jeopardize your own safety by openly questioning their sanity. The third guy comes out and says, that hey...this NaMo guy might have some good press but the fact remains that he was involved directly/indirectly in the massacre of hundreds. A massacre based on the mirage of religion, but actually set in the principals of caste and creed. The others agree and whisper about this among each other, setting off the NaMo fan. Who insists that you cannot blame someone for something just because it occurred during his tenure as chief minister(you totally can). He points out to countless speeches given by NaMo in which his eloquence and sharp mind come to the fore. The rest again mumble among each other and agree on the face of things. But each decides in his heart that if that's the way it is, then he might as well vote for his own community leader and be done with it. The fourth speaks out that we now have a third option, the Aam Admi Party or AAP. Which talks of Swaraj and empowerment of the people. But the NaMo fan will argue with bluster and in the noise the talk of AAP will be dismissed, the others two take scant notice of AAP simply because it is a new player in the game and thus lacks experience. The fifth meanwhile decides, fuck all this noise. He wont vote. Besides he has better things to do then stand in line only to choose between a thief and a fascist.
The five disperse, the only common ground found between them is that Congress has to go. They are united on the surface but every bit as divided as they have always been underneath. This is the state of the internet, that part of our country that stakes its claim on the important things. Things like education, willpower, spending money, regular food on the table. This is the state of our enlightened elite(bottom rung, but close enough). And the hard reality is, we the enlightened elite are not the ones who will be swinging this election. As always the election lies in the hand of the second India that bubbles underneath the bootheels of our Seth Jis, Netas and Maliks. Beneath us, yearning to be free...truly free, burns the the spirit of this nation. They are the ones who will decide the election. The hungry, poor, struggling millions for whom getting a voter card is a matter of identity and necessity. Who have no choice but to vote. And they are the easiest led astray. While we panic and debate on the downhill slide of the Rupee a Neta will come from Congress/BJP and offer them the usual. Cases of liquor for distribution to the local leader and boxes of cash. Free booze and cash to spare will be paraded about and the local leaders will give out the order to vote depending on who ponied up the most goodies.
Congress or BJP, both follow the same beaten path. Both follow the same systems put in place. While we argue among ourselves over who is right and who is wrong. Over where morals end and action begins, our glorious Netas will slyly slide back into power. And for five more years we will disintegrate bit by bit as we are taken apart from within. Chipped down by the ones we let into power again. But it does not have to be that way. There is still time, what little power you give to yourself is a power that can change this Nation. AAP the third option is the only viable option. Even if you know nothing of their policies and realize they are inexperienced they are still the only clear choice. Simply by virtue of providing us a third choice between the devil and the deep sea. So fight for your rights. Go talk around, use those valued communication skills that got you a raise last season. Talk to the Rickshaw Pullers, Auto wallahs, Chat Papdi walas, Phuchka wallas, Your Kaam Wali, your Dhobi, your Taxi driver. Talk to people from all walks of life. Ask them what they think of the state of the nation, ask them what they think of the Congress, of the BJP. And then ask them who will they vote for? Convince them if you can to vote for AAP. Convince them if you can to vote for change.
And swear a simple oath today, to get yourself registered as a voter. Yes, you the one who can afford to sit back in his home and read this in luxury. Become an active force for change in this land. Vote and tell your friends to vote and spread the vibe already. Voting is not just your right it is your goddamned duty. It is our duty as educated citizens of India. And if we do not exercise it, we lose our one chance at positive change. Consider the chance that AAP comes into power even if in Delhi and NCR or the Metros only. Consider the immense possibilities for change, a change for better. And now consider the alternative. Rahul Gandhi with his smug default program speech lording over a pile of money, or NaMo with his clever jibes executing a final solution to the Muslim menace. We stand now at the brink of another tryst with Destiny. A unique chance to choose a new era. A chance at true self governance and the chance at empowerment of the right people.The past is gone by and the present we waste in arguments but our future, is still in our own hands.
And if we want to it be, it can be as bright as the Sun.
Or as dark as the night.